The following links are to evidence based clinical guidelines which may be relevant to the clinical practice of the Nurse Continence Specialist.


European Association of Urological Nurses

EAUN has produced the following clinical guidelines:

  • Catheterisation - Indwelling catheters in adults – Urethral & Suprapubic
  • Catherisation – Urethral intermittent in adults
  • Male external catheters in adults – urinary catheter management

Access the EAUN Guidelines

ICS Standards

The International Continence Society has developed core terminology documents, consensus documents and International Consultation on Incontinence algorithms.

Access the ICS Standards

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provides national (UK) guidance and advice to improve health and social care.
They have many evidenced-based, continence related, guidance, quality standards, care pathways, policies and procedures.

Royal Children's Hospital


The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne has produced clinical practice guidelines relevant to continence. These include:

Best practice guideline: long-term suprapubic catheter related care at home


Dr Alyson Sweeney RN has researched and written the following guideline:

Best practice guideline: long-term suprapubic catheter related care at home

Download the Best Practice Guideline